I am by nature a "night owl". I used to stay up late & sleep in. (sounds like most teenagers we know) I remember when I would think "the night is just getting started" & it was 10:00!
Well, life can change that.
I married a "morning person" & had children. That combination right there will kill any chance of sleeping in. What was I thinking?
All kidding aside, as much as I love my husband, I loathe "morning people". Why do they have to wake up so cheery & wake everybody else up? Namely the "night owls"?
So, now I find myself at a time in my life when I could sleep in more & more frequently if I so choose. The boys are old enough to get themselves ready for school, & even get themselves there without my assistance, if needed (they should be, they're teenagers). And, I could prepare my husband's lunch the night before.
So, what's wrong with this picture?
Well, I have to admit, I would miss the mornings with my husband & talking with him before he leaves for work. I wouldn't know if the boys ate breakfast, or if they dressed warm enough.
Oh yeah, and there's that "farm" thing, darn!
Having farm animals is a wonderful experience, but you don't get to sleep in when they have to be fed & milked, the eggs need to be gathered, and you have customer's coming by. Trust me, I've tried it.
I always feel like I've missed out on something, everybody has gone off to work & school, & the animals are waiting impatiently to be tended to. You don't want to milk a seriously ticked off goat, they cop an attitude & end up kicking over the milk bucket.
Then, if the customers are coming by in the morning, you are rushing trying to get everything done before they arrive. And, if you only manage to get the very least done, you still have to finish after they leave.
The chores seem to drag on forever on those days, and then before you know it....it's time to do it all over again before bedtime.
Alas, I fear I must continue this charade of acting like the "morning" person I am not. Things just seem to go a little smoother.
Nap anyone?
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