The more I have health problems after consuming sugar, the more I am convinced it is toxic.
Case in point:
When I am very good, eating a well balance diet, only consuming honey occasionally & stevia, I feel so much healthier.
But, when I have been craving & binging on sweets & junk food.....I feel ill. I get achy, sore joints, I'm irregular, have mood swings, crying jags, & just generally don't feel well at all.
Some ER doc once tried to tell me he suspected I may have fibromyalgia. Who doesn't these days? It seems everyone is being diagnosed with either ADD/ADHD, fibromyalgia, or autism. Not to mention the other scores of diseases.
I have been reading up on this subject for years & I know better than to eat it. But my body craves it & it's in everything nowadays!
Growing up my mom limited & watched very closely our sugar consumption.
When I was very young she had been told I was hypoglycemic, maybe that is part of the reason for her concern. Or maybe she just knew there was a connection even back then.
When I would go to a friend's house I would binge on sugary junk food & become very ill. It was like my body was trying to make up for lost time, but then I would dearly pay for that "fun". I would have fever, aches, chills, vomiting, the whole 9 yards. Everytime.
I too try to limit my family's "junk food index", but it is a hard battle. My husband is the junk food "junky" in our home so he is perceived to be the fun one, while I end up being the bad guy. The controlling party pooper.
Well, here we are again. After a few days of "junking out" I am getting sick. I can feel it. I am achy, my joints hurt, my sinuses hurt, I had an emotional meltdown yesterday & my poor husband got yelled at.
He is the one who brings it in the house. If it's here I will eat it, just like the rest of the family.
My theory is "Don't bring it in the house"!
People, people, people! Wake up & smell the stevia!
And, when there is an occasional craving why not just a bite? Why does it have to be a KING size candy bar? (Which by the way, has 4 servings in it but nobody ever reads the label.)
Or a 44 oz. sugary drink? (how many servings in that one?)
Or why not just one small candy bar instead of a MEGA bag? (You think you're saving money by buying in bulk, but you will be paying with your health.)
Ok, I'm getting down off my soap box for a breather.
All this to say, we should become pro-active, informed consumers. We should become educated about our food, learn how to read labels, & listen to our bodies.
Contact the food companies & government rep.s to say we want healthier food.
Stop buying the junk & grow a garden!

Friday, July 9, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
What a dreamer....
This is a picture, as you can plainly see, of a washer & dryer.
My NEW washer & dryer. The first matched set of brand-spanking new
, never before used by anyone else, laundry convenience.

It's a love/hate relationship really.
Let me explain.
I love that they are new & matching, but hate the money we had to spend.
I love that they are "Colossal Capacity", energy star-rated, energy efficient, & all that, but...hate the money we had to spend.
We got a pretty good deal, but could we have saved more money?
I'm not just all about the money, but it does cross my mind.
Part of the love/hate relationship is based on this fact: I vowed when the dryer broke we would not replace it, but continue to use the clothesline. Darn!
The other part of this love/hate equation? We had to spend my cream separator money to get the new set.
I even told friends & family that we would soon have fresh raw goat's milk butter & they had been excited.
Now, unless I find a way to spin the cream out of the milk using my washer, I'm out of luck.
Wouldn't that be something? I wonder how many gallons it would hold? It does have variable speeds so I could adjust according to how heavy I want the cream. Then all I'd have to do is pour the cream back in the tub & let it agitate.
Voila! Butter!
What a dreamer, no? Oui, oui.
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