As I was taking this picture I'm saying to myself,
"Don't look into his eyes! Don't make friends, don't make friends, don't make friends!"
As for now he is still scared of me, so I'm not attached....yet.

Like I really need anymore drama in my life, my dear sweet husband had to go & bring home a meat cow.
He calls me a couple of nights ago, while I'm out on an errand, & informs me that he bought me a "gift".
Once I learn how much it cost, & that it's a steer for meat, I realize this is really more for him than myself.
You see, I lean a little towards the vegetarian side, but do occasionally consume red meat. Especially if it's organic.
So, I call myself a "flex-itarian", LOL.
Here's the problem, I also become attached to animals & it makes it hard for me to consume them.
Now, I'm not one of those people who "won't eat anything with a face on it", or "won't eat those cuddly animals because they are so cute" & I haven't joined PETA. (No offense to anyone who feels that way) Though I am very much against animal cruelty.
I believe God put certain animals on this earth for the purpose of feeding us. And I think some are quite tasty!
I do have issues with the way people treat them, feed them, medicate them, kill them, etc.
So, my choice not to eat meat on occasion actually extends to other species besides cows.
My flexitarianism is based on what I have learned about feedlots, growth hormones, GMO (genetically modified organisms) corn & soy as feed, inhumane killing practices, unsanitary processing conditions, etc.
Do you see where I'm coming from?
Want healthy beef? Research it & raise it yourself.
More & more I am convinced that grass-fed beef is the healthiest for you. What I wouldn't give for an acre of beautiful lush grass!
Others here are not educated about grass-fed & frankly don't give a darn because "they love corn-fed beef!" Little do they realize what a "corn only" diet does to the cattle's health when they are being fattened up for slaughter. I won't go into gory detail, it's pretty gross.
So, my dilemma is...that this cow is so darn cute, he's gonna make it hard to eat him.
Whatever will I do?